Our Philosophy for Treatment

The Philosophy of Treatment

The philosophy of treatment is a Problem-solving thought process.It is based on the laws of science, anatomy, and physiology. This is done by working out what the problem actually is, then finding the right solution for you.

What is our philosophy and how do we use it?

Firstly, we must understand what is normal and how the body and mind work together, normally. This is why we also study anatomy, physiology, and function. Then we must understand you, and how your body does not work or is effectively broken or injured. Hence we study medicine, disease, and injury.

Finally, we compare the two and find your path back to your normal.

In conclusion; the problem is broken down into its individual parts. Those parts are then fixed. The fixed parts are then put back together, again so they can work together as a whole.

Balance, Homeostasis…

The body and mind can also be thought of in mathematical terms. Mathematics is a perfect language, in that equations are used to describe concepts. The body is a complicated equation that needs to be understood and solved in order for it to balance. The balance of this equation is the essential truth of health; yin yang, homeostasis, core stability, left and right, front and back, body and mind, the list goes on.


…and the art of chess.

Finding a solution is like a Game of Chess, move and counter move until the game is won. The body reacts to treatment and hence adapts as a whole. You need to know what all the pieces do and how they work together to do this. Essentially move and counter move. “One piece does not win the game. So, just doing one thing like manipulation or massage or exercise is like playing with one type of chess piece.

We need them all

Only understanding the whole game and its process, can you have a real chance of winning.” SRP 1998

Helping this problem-solving process is a condition that Steve suffers from called AUTISM. He has “Aspergers Syndrome”, which essentially is a brain that is very well suited for problem-solving.

This can be a great asset and perhaps partly explains why, he has patients from all over the UK, Europe and other parts of the world. A thirst for knowledge (Autistic people are very driven) and a passion for helping people, has enhanced his reputation as the “go-to” person in his field.

Whilst autistic people can appear to be “different” it is that very difference that could “make a real difference” to you.

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